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Weaving Wyrd

Weaving Wyrd is a book of thoughts and poetry which deal with the way we are all connected in life, through invisible threads. 


In dreams

you are all I could want you to be
and more. 
You pulled the sword 
from the stone of my heart 
and dubbed yourself 
my protector 
against all who wish me harm.
You are warm and loving there,
your arms, my shelter 
against the storms.
We are closer than 
twins in the womb 
in that twilight world.
If it were possible 
to take a draught 
of living death, 
so I could remain there 
with you always,
I would do so willingly.


Elle Mort 2018

Anchor 2
Chemical Wedding

Chemical Wedding is book two of a trilogy. It is about the alchemical process of ink on paper creating poetry. Dark in places, light in others. 

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Dancing with the Dark Muse

Dancing with the Dark Muse is underway and due to be released soon 

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