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Official Website of Dark Poet

Chemical Wedding

Book 2 
Available on Amazon now!
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I'm the companionable silence
by the hearth you've never seen
I am the whisper on the wind
that calls from where you've never been


The siren song, across the seas
that only you can hear
The secret place within your heart
where there is no fear


I'm the love of a thousand ancestors
who lived and died before
The face you see within the flames
as the bone fires roar


I am the hand that takes your own
when all around you fails
The memory of your past life
in long-lost fairy tales


I am the genius loci
from the land you've never known
I am the calling of your blood
come to lead you home

I'm every small compulsion
that makes your spirit yearn
I am the light within your soul
that guides you to return

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My Books

Weaving Wyrd

Chemical Wedding

Dancing with the Dark Muse

My Books

I was truly honoured when Elle Mort approached me to do the foreword for her new book, especially after the success of her debut ‘Weaving Wyrd’ which I devoured and hope you did too. I have had the pleasure of reading much of her work over the years and can honestly say that the dark beauty with which she writes is disturbing yet refreshing, she will take you where many poets fall short of going. In this book she continues the theme of the choices we make through our lives. From lighter topics of family and kindness to the darker side of the human psyche, she moves through the spectrum of our emotions seamlessly and makes it abundantly obvious that we as beings are neither completely light nor dark. Our choice of paths is our own to take. Elle writes not only for people who enjoy poetry but for anyone who has ever loved, lost, cried, grieved and experienced misery at the hands of others. An honest commentary on the human condition. So read on to find out how life works in its beginning, middle and end. Two of which, as you are here, are inevitable. Not one word is wasted or misused. You have come to the place where darkness rides on the back of beauty. Enjoy the journey. 

S C Richmond Author of the Alex Price Trilogy


Weaving Wyrd 


Lady of the Hollow Ways

Deep among the tangle of the trees 
I come to find you,
where the river runs over the flat stones
And waterfalls sparkle 
in the flickers of the sun, 
through dappled shade.
Hollow ways are your home, 
mysterious and beautiful 
like your soul.

You were too kind 
for this cruel world, 
so you took to the crossroads 
and the hedges,
haunting the 
places where the dark and light
I see you in flashes 
when I touch the ancient stones. 
You are clothed in the the green of the trees, 
crowned by the thorns of sadness, 
insubstantial as a shade.

I saw your reflection
looking back at me
in the crystal waters of a pool.
You were close then,
a peripheral thing,
veiled from my eyes.
The ripples of the water
blurred your face
as I touched you
with my hand.
Then you vanished,
leaving me alone with my pain.

My quest for you
is my comfort.

© Elle Mort 2018 


chemical wedding

I will store memories in your blood,
You will be stirred by the phases of the moon 
and the turning of the seasons,
as were all who came before.
Your father and I will give this gift to you,
as did their mothers and fathers before,
it is written in code, 
so none can steal it from you.
It is yours alone,
it tells the story of your ancestors 
since time immemorial.

We are all here with you, 
with every step you take
on your journey.
The strength you have to face obstacles 
we have instilled within you. 
We are in your laughter 
and your tears,
silent witnesses 
throughout the years. 
Sleep well, my beloved child, 
our love for you runs through your veins.

© Elle Mort 2018 


Next Event
20 Mar 2019, 19:00 – 21:00
Llangollen Museum,
5 Parade St, Llangollen LL20 8NY, UK
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